Thursday, July 21, 2005

If I Could Bottle Up The Chills That You Gave Me I Would Keep Them In A Jar Next To My Bed

- -Sometimes a thunderstorm makes everything calm

- - Sometimes life just sucks

- - Sometimes people just need to back the hell off

- -Sometimes an iced latte on a hot summer day can solve anything

- -Sometimes a hug can make you feel worse

- -Sometimes I laugh just so I won’t cry

- -Sometimes the same Bright Eyes song played many times in a row is the best companion

- -Sometimes books are better friends then people

- -Sometimes you get lost in lies

- -Sometimes the person that should make you happy is the one that makes you cry

- -Sometimes Italy doesn’t feel like such a great place to be

- -Sometimes hearts break

- -Sometimes you don’t know what you have until it’s too late

- -Sometimes the one person that helps you forget the rest of the world becomes part of what you need to forget.

- -Sometimes I get scared

- -Sometimes I screw up and fall too hard

- -Sometimes I just want to move to New York and forget about everything else

- -Sometimes saying nothing at all makes everything better

- -Sometimes the space between us is too much for me to handle.

- -Sometimes I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning because you are the first thing I see.

- -Sometimes I don’t want to get in bed at night because you are the last thing that I see.

- -Sometimes I hate myself because all of these things are true.


Blogger Rachael said...

Except for that whole Italy one, I get you totally. And now I've finally decided. I'm burning you copies of all my Bright Eyes cds this weekend and mailing them off. Hope Conor likes Italy! Oh, is there anything else you want me to send? I'm finally going to be a good friend to you, lol.

10:50 PM  

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