Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I Had The Notion That You'd Make Me Forget The World

So I'm blogging again because I'm upset again. I do that a lot. When I'm upset, I blog. When I'm sad, I blog. When I'm pissed, I blog. I don't know, it's a type of venting for me I think. I communicate much better in writing then I do in speaking.

I know relationships aren't easy. I'm the queen of complicated relationships. I don't know, maybe it's me. Maybe I subconsciously sabatoge any inkling of a relationship that I have. Ever. You would think that after 19 years of life, I would be able to say I've had at least one stable uncompliacted relationship at some point. But guess what? I haven't. Babies.....alcohol.....other girls.....a couple of countries, things just keep getting in the way. It never fails. Which is why I came up with what seems to be my mantra lately: "Relationships suck. People fucking suck. Life sucks." Well it's probably easier to say that everything sucks at the moment.


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