Saturday, March 04, 2006

She'll Make You Live Her Crazy LIfe But She'll Take Away Your Pain

What is crazy? Is it a state of mind? Or an action. Is it a habit you attempt to overcome? Or a label that will stay with you throughout your life. Is crazy what other people deem you when you can’t seem to live up to societies standards of normalcy? Or is it something you call yourself in an attempt to justify your doings.

Crazy is thrown around in courtroom for those who don’t want to take responsibility for what they have done, and for those who legitimately have psychiatric problems. Unfortunately society inevitably disagrees on a common standard of crazy. Some may see crazy as a person who cuts themselves, or has thoughts of suicide, or who thinks that going on cocaine binges is a normal life. Others view crazy as someone who sleeps with a person they wouldn’t even sit by on the subway, someone who enjoys sitting in smoky dimly lit bars for the atmosphere when they themselves wouldn’t possibly do anything like that. What would other people think?

Our lives are based solely on what other people think of us. If we go to the doctor, he thinks we’re sick, so he gives us the medicine he thinks will work for us. If your therapist thinks you have bipolar disorder, you go with the treatment he thinks will help, because it worked for everyone else. But what if you don’t have bipolar disorder? What if you just have really bad PMS? But because you were once diagnosed with bipolar, it will follow you around through the rest of your medical life. Any other psychiatric disturbances that happen to you will most likely be related to the fact that you have, (or had) bipolar disorder.

All medicines for mental problems do is either make you numb, or make you insanely happy, no matter what the circumstances. Your mother could die, yet you would still be laughing and smiling. Don’t these medicines take away your sense of self? You grow from experiencing hurt, and hard times. You learn from your problems. But if nothing ever phases you, how do you learn? How do you grow? If you’re numb, you start believing what everyone tells you. Maybe you really are crazy. Maybe you should be stashed away in some institute in the mountains to prevent you from hurting your self or others. Maybe you could snap at any moment. Therefore, don’t the medicines they give you to fix your “crazy” problem, eventually make you even more crazy? The catch 22 of psychiatric disorders.

Crazy is a way of life. MY life.


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